Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Call Me Crazy

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around every once in awhile you could miss it”
-Ferris Bueller

I started my application in January 2012 and after 11 long months of being poked and prodded I finally have my invite to serve with the Peace Corps. For 27 months I will be living and working in Ukraine, my main assignment focusing on Community Economic Development. I will be leaving the United States at the end of March and will not return until at least July 2015. Words really cannot describe how excited I am to finally know where I will be living and when I leave.

As for the blog: I started this in lieu of sending out a monthly newsletter as it seemed like a better medium to document my upcoming adventure. Please feel free to check in and comment as often as you like. I will update as much as possible but I am still unsure as to just how much internet access I will have.

I'll end this first post here and hopefully keep these as readable as possible. Thanks to everybody who checks this out and wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. Другий тиждень пройшов дуже позитивно . Бажаю успixiв також i в усi наступнi днi.
    Чи ти вже скуштував горiлочки ?
    Спробуй ту що з перцем, але вже опicля пасхи.

    Привiт Чернiгову ,Олександр
