“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around
every once in awhile you could miss it”
-Ferris Bueller
I started my application in January 2012 and after 11 long
months of being poked and prodded I finally have my invite to serve with the
Peace Corps. For 27 months I will be living and working in Ukraine, my main assignment focusing on Community Economic Development. I
will be leaving the United States at the end of March and will not
return until at least July 2015. Words really cannot describe how excited I am
to finally know where I will be living and when I leave.
As for the blog: I started this in lieu of sending out a
monthly newsletter as it seemed like a better medium to document my upcoming adventure. Please feel free to check in and comment as often as you like. I will update as much as
possible but I am still unsure as to just how much internet access I will have.
I'll end this first post here and hopefully keep these as readable
as possible. Thanks to everybody who checks this out and wish me luck.
Другий тиждень пройшов дуже позитивно . Бажаю успixiв також i в усi наступнi днi.
ReplyDeleteЧи ти вже скуштував горiлочки ?
Спробуй ту що з перцем, але вже опicля пасхи.
Привiт Чернiгову ,Олександр