Saturday, May 4, 2013

Христос Воскрес

Happy Easter!

The city is alive with basket carriers. Every single group I have seen on the street has been carrying a basket full of food either on their way to or on the way back from the nearest church. We made the same trek and it was a great experience.

I have been trudging through language as always but I do see improvement every week. I judge my Russian skills by how well I can communicate with my host brother. I'm not exactly sure if I am starting to speak the language better or if my pantomime skills have improved. This week marked the halfway point in training. I have my site interview in 2 weeks and I would love to do well on my LPI (Language Proficiency Interview). I have been spending all my spare time either learning Russian or enjoying the company of my host family. Life is good. 

As always feel free to get in touch with me and I would be more than happy to chat. Take care and be safe.


6am outside our local church

More Творок, I still love it!

Thats right, I live at the very top of all those stairs, luckily my elevator works and is supposed to be good until 2025 as is written in Sharpie on the control panel.

Spring is here!!!

 Matt making toast Peace Corps style

 Classroom where I do my best to speak terrible Russian

My daily Commute looks a lot like this. Ignore the tv in the above picture and this is the general setup with maybe an additional row or two. ~18 seats and I have seen upwards of 50 people on these things, you do the math.

About 2/3 of the Community Development PCT's stationed in Chernihiv for training


  1. Hello Alan,

    It's good to hear from you and I'm glad you were able to find the blog. Hope all is well.
